Nera’s trout tortelli with basil pesto, potatoes, green beans and summer black truffle.

Let’s dive into the crystal waters of the Nera river, where the trout –the essence of this dish- finds its nourishment. An immersion into Valnerina, which is also the land of fresh summer truffle, the ingredient joining an intense and sophisticated main course. A recipe where the tradition of homemade pasta and mortar crushed basil with pine nuts and parmesan, express themselves in an explosion of color and taste for the palate to enjoy with the light intensity of summer. A suggestion marking a deep connection with the territory, as usual, and representing Urbani Tartufi’s most authentic framework, signed by Chef Michele Pidone.

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Shopping list
(for four people):
80 gr of fresh minced summer truffle
300 gr of 00 flour
3 eggs
200 gr of trout fillets
150 gr of potatoes
50 gr of boiled potatoes
150 gr of green beans
60 gr of basil
30 gr of pine nuts
40 gr of Parmesan
1 garlic clove
Extra virgin olive oil, to taste
Salt and pepper, to taste


Let’s start from the homemade pasta. Mix the flour and eggs to prepare the dough and let it rest. In the meantime prepare the filling by cooking the previously cleaned trout fillets with a little olive oil, then add the mashed boiled potatoes. Season with salt. Make the pesto with basil, parmesan, pine nuts, oil and salt. It’s now time for the truffle sauce; simmer the oil with a clove of garlic, then, once it’s cold, add the minced truffle and a pinch of salt.

At this point, boil the green beans and cut them into 1 cm pieces. Clean the potatoes, cut them into little cubes and blanch them. Back to the pasta, roll it out and prepare the tortelli filling them with the trout mixture. Mix the basil pesto with the green beans, the potatoes and the truffle sauce and boil the pasta in abundant salted water. Strain the tortelli and season them with the sauce. Time to serve: complete the plating with a few slices of summer truffle.

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It/EnA magazine by Urbani Tartufi
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